waitForAngularLoad Keywords FREE

The custom keyword: waitForAngularLoad() is used to wait for the elements or requests in Angular application until all the elements/request has been completed.


The custom keyword: waitForAngularLoad() is used to wait for the elements or requests in Angular application until all the elements/request has been completed.

How to use it:

1. Create/Open Katalon project (Katalon Studio version v6.0.5 or later)

2. Download and install the Plugins package

(Or User can manually do it by copying the file: "katalon-angularjs-custom-keywords-source-waitforangular.jar" in the Plugins folder in Katalon relevant test project.)

3. On the test case file, import "import com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords" .You can now use the plug-in.

Example of importing and scripting in a test case file:

.. import com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords

'Openning https://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/sorttablecolumn' WebUI.openBrowser('https://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/sorttablecolumn') WebUI.maximizeWindow()

'Waiting for the loading of this page.' CustomKeywords.'com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords.waitForAngularLoad'()

'Closing browser' WebUI.closeBrowser()

You can refer to the source code repository to get more details: https://github.com/dungtnguyen/katalon-angularjs-custom-keywords-source-waitforangular

Visit Katalon Forum for Plugin related discussions.

6 Rating(s)
Kedar Kaduskar
September 11, 2019

Treveshan Naidoo
August 13, 2019

May 15, 2019

Solved tons of issues this plugin. Thanks Katalon Team.

Nazeer Mohammed
May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019

API keys are required in Katalon Studio Commandline Execution. Generate Key
Project details
Custom Keywords Plugin
Last updated
March 31, 2021 4:59 am
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