The custom keyword: waitForAngularLoad() is used to wait for the elements or requests in Angular application until all the elements/request has been completed.
How to use it:
1. Create/Open Katalon project (Katalon Studio version v6.0.5 or later)
2. Download and install the Plugins package
(Or User can manually do it by copying the file: "katalon-angularjs-custom-keywords-source-waitforangular.jar" in the Plugins folder in Katalon relevant test project.)
3. On the test case file, import "import com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords" .You can now use the plug-in.
Example of importing and scripting in a test case file:
.. import com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords
'Openning' WebUI.openBrowser('') WebUI.maximizeWindow()
'Waiting for the loading of this page.' CustomKeywords.'com.katalon.plugin.keyword.waitforangular.WaitForAngularKeywords.waitForAngularLoad'()
'Closing browser' WebUI.closeBrowser()
You can refer to the source code repository to get more details:
Visit Katalon Forum for Plugin related discussions.