JBehave Keywords FREE

The plugin provides custom keywords to execute BDD tests with JBehave framework.


The plugin provides custom keywords to execute BDD tests with JBehave framework.

To use JBehave Keywords plugin, you need to have Katalon Studio 7.0.0 as the minimum compatible version.

Setup and Configuration

1. Prepare your story definition files. The story definition files must be placed within your project folder. You can exploit Cucumber feature files which are available in Katalon Studio to define your story. Please refer to Cucumber Features File in Katalon for more information.

2. Write your step definitions files. You can expoit the feature to create step definition files in Katalon Studio. Please refer to Step Definitions in Katalon for more information.

3. Use the custom keyword exposed by the plugin. At the present, this plugin only exposes one custom keyword to run multiple story files. Remember that the story definition file paths passed to the custom keyword must be relative to your project folder. You can use it as the following:

  • CustomKeywords.'com.kms.katalon.JBehaveKeywords.runStoryFiles'(['Include/features/BDD Cucumber Tests/Jira Integration/KD-31800.feature', 'Include/features/BDD Cucumber Tests/atm/atm_scenario.feature'])

4. For more details please refer to the sample project.

Visit Katalon Forum for Plugin related discussions.

API keys are required in Katalon Studio Commandline Execution. Generate Key
Project details
Custom Keywords Plugin
Last updated
November 1, 2019 6:44 am
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